Hasbro at SDCC 2014 – Official GENERATIONS Images

Today, Hasbro revealed that the new theme for its Transformers Generations line is “Combiner Wars”.  In other words, it’s Scramble City updated to today’s design aesthetic and playability.

Holy ****.

Today, they unveiled Menasor and Superion, two of gestalt combiners from Generation 1.  Some of the names are different, some of the alt modes have changed, but holy crap, these look great.  The Stunticons look slightly different but damn if the Aerialbots don’t look like their robot modes stepped right out of the cartoon.  And upcoming Legends figures will be able to interact as weapons and armor.  Jeez, just take my money.

Motormaster is a remold of the upcoming Optimus Prime figure — as predicted, it looks like Prime can combine.  But with whom?

Anyway, check out the pictures!