Hasbro Unveils Transformers 35th Anniversary “More Than Meets The Eye” Campaign

TRANSFORMERS is 35 years old this year.  In fact, today marks the 35th anniversary of what could be the first print ad for the robots in disguise.  Thirty-five years is a lot of robots, a lot of battles, a lot of fun — and Hasbro wants to celebrate all that encompasses the brand. The kick-off features Angela Bassett, the voice of SHATTER from BUMBLEBEE, in the video you can see embedded below.  Future videos will showcase creators, celebrities, and others involved throughout all of Transformers history.  Hasbro, in the press release shown below, invites fans to post their own videos

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Comic Review: Transformers (2019) #1

  Everything New Is Old Again…. When the announcement was made that IDW was going to end their run of Transformers comics, there was a very loud reaction from the fans.  When James Roberts posted his last soundtrack listing, people were saddened.  Even before the final page was read, tributes came flooding in from huge numbers of readers. I was not one of them. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against IDW’s the content or quality of the stories spanning over a decade. Nothing against Roberts or Barber or anyone who put fingers to keyboard. Nothing against the artists or letterers

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Toy Fair 2019 – Super7 – Transformers

Want to get my attention?  Show me Transformers that look like Action Masters!  These ReAction figures look like the 2019 update of the original G1 action figure line up, and I can’t wait to see these in person!  The intent of the Action Masters was to provide cartoon styled poseable action figures, and these seem to do the same.  Granted, we don’t have transforming weapons/partners like we did with the Action Masters; something tells me Hasbro wouldn’t like that.  I’m kind of reminded by the Heroes of Cybertron vinyl figure line from fifteen years ago, but these look to be

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Toy Fair 2019 – Hasbro Transformers Rescue Bots Academy

Finally, to wrap up our Transformers coverage, we have the toys for the youngsters and youngsters-at-heart: Rescue Bots Academy.  Bolstered by a new show on Discovery Family, the Rescue Bots are now training new recruits, and of course, kids will want to get their hands on toys of their favorites. Check out the cute new Grimlock as well as the Optimus Flip Bots trailer, and the new Mega Mighties! Pictures by Steve Kushnir

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Toy Fair 2019 – Hasbro Transformers Cyberverse

On the heels of the announcement for Season 2 of “Transformers Cyberverse”, Hasbro showed off new toys.  Included are the new Sky-Byte (YES!), new Gnaw, new Scraplet, Alpha Trion (say whaaaa?), Jetfire, Spark Armor, and Optimus with Ark Armor!  These are looking like an improvement over the first wave or two.  Can’t wait to see these on the shelves. Pictures by Steve Kushnir

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